Get a job - or a better paying job - with employment support programs

Way Finders offers several employment support programs to people receiving public assistance from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The goal: help you identify a career path that will help you and your family become more financially self-sufficient.

Competitive Integrated Employment Services (CIES)

CIES provides training, education, and job readiness services to families who are interested in obtaining employment and who are receiving Transitional Aid for Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) through the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA).

The goal of CIES is to help people successfully connect with a career—and a career pathway—where they will stay employed and achieve career growth. Support is given at each step of this journey. The CIES program assesses the needs of a participant’s family and identifies their current work skills and challenges to employment. In partnership with a professional, participants seek and pursue opportunities (skills development, work-related activities) that support their goals for employment – all in pursuit of greater economic mobility and household resilience.

All participants must be referred from DTA and meet these criteria:

  • Be a TAFDC recipient and/or the non-custodial parent of a child who receives TAFDC
  • Be unemployed or underemployed
  • Have an employment goal
  • Need support to address barriers to career readiness

How to enroll
or visit the DTA website.

Services offered through CIES include:

  • Assessment and goal setting
  • Individualized employment planning
  • Job development and placement
  • Resume preparation
  • Interview skills
  • Life skills training
  • ESOL and English for employment
  • Adult Basic Education
  • Occupational/vocational training
  • Industry recognized certification
  • Financial management


Secure Jobs Initiative (SJI)

Way Finders’ Secure Jobs Initiative (SJI) is a supportive employment program for homeless families and households receiving Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) or Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). Since it began in 2013, SJI has helped more than 900 people achieve stable employment—and maintain stable housing. With these foundational elements in place, families are poised to grow in resilience and build greater economic mobility. SJI participants are also encouraged to join the Work Readiness Certificate program.

SJI offers one-on-one career counseling and expert mentorship from professionals who understand the barriers to employment that people may face—and have experience in helping people overcome them. We offer encouragement and insight at each step of the job search journey, from writing a resume and cover letter to conducting a savvy job search and preparing for an interview.

You must live in Hampden or Hampshire County and be eligible to receive assistance from one of these programs:*

  • Emergency Assistance (EA)
  • HomeBASE
  • Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT)

*In certain circumstances, you may qualify for services from SJI if you have applied for assistance from these programs but were not found eligible. Please contact Employment Support Services for further information.

Access to supportive services for childcare and more
“How can I work if I don’t have childcare?” Way Finders’ employment specialists know that childcare (including day care and after-school care) is one of the most challenging barriers that people face to employment. And we know many ways to help people access their benefits and find arrangements that meet their needs. Our employment specialists have strong connections with local provider agencies and experience in navigating everything from waiting lists to vouchers.

We can also help people connect with services that support:

  • Mental health
  • Food access

Youth Support
We offer a dedicated Employment Specialist who works specifically with young adults. Our young adult services are designed to guide young adults, ages 16-25, along the pathway to education, training, personal development and ultimately, a rewarding career!

Employment-related financial assistance
We understand that barriers to employment can come in many forms—and often come with a cost. SJI participants may receive financial assistance to put toward career and employment related expenses that will help them reach their goals. For example, people may receive help to pay for:

  • Transportation (car repairs, uber, taxis, bus passes)
  • Language barriers (ESL classes)
  • Education (GED/HiSET and other Certifications)
  • Occupational skills and training
  • State licensing exams
  • Clothing (for interviews or uniforms for work)

Retention support
SJI provides tailored job retention support for up to 24 months after a participant begins to work. Through ongoing case management, people can receive help to grow or tweak their career plans or troubleshoot any barriers to their employment and their family’s stability.

How to apply
Speak with your Housing Case Manager and request a referral to be sent to

SNAP Employment and Training

Do you qualify for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the program that provides financial assistance to help families buy healthy food each month? If so, you are automatically eligible for SNAP Path to Work, a program that provides job readiness training, job development skills, and job retention support.

As a SNAP Path to Work provider, Way Finders’ SNAP Employment & Training program can help SNAP clients realize their job search goals, such as by gaining needed skills and readiness.

You must:

• Receive SNAP benefits

• Live in Hampden or Hampshire county

About our SNAP Employment & Training program
Our staff help SNAP clients with job search training—including resume help, interview skills, career testing and more—and with the job search itself. Clients benefit from our network of employment connections, which can help them find and secure a job.

How to enroll

Wondering if you are eligible for SNAP?
Way Finders is also a SNAP Outreach provider. We can help you determine if you’re eligible to apply for SNAP programs. If eligible, our staff will help you access important benefits, and you’ll receive one-on-one assistance each step of the way.

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