Looking for a payment update?
For other matters
Email landlordservices@wayfinders.org or call 413-233-1600. Please understand that we receive many inquiries a day and we will reply as soon as we can.
If your tenant holds a voucher that pays part or all of your tenant’s ongoing monthly rent, please make sure we have your updated contact information as it’s the most common reason for delayed payment. You can update your contact information by downloading and printing the form or by completing the form online.
If you are looking for an update on RAFT payments, please log into the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Payment Assistance Portal here.
On the ribbon at the top of the page, click Track Payment Status. A payment summary will pop up by application number. If the payment was issued by check, please allow 14 days for mail delivery. If the payment was issued direct deposit, you should expect payment within 72 hours, depending on your banking institution. If you continue to have questions after reviewing your portal, please call us at 413-233-1600 or email landlordservices@wayfinders.org.
Email landlordservices@wayfinders.org or call 413-233-1600. Please understand that we receive many inquiries a day and we will reply as soon as we can.
Get an update on your RAFT application. Click to learn more: Read More