Category: Employment Support


Mass Career Pathway

Mass Career Pathway is a program that provides employment support to Way Finders’ Housing Choice Voucher participants and their households (18 years of age and older).

Self Sufficiency Program for MRVP subsidy holders

The Self Sufficiency Program (SSP) is provides employment, education, and asset-building support to participating Way Finders’ Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP) families over a three-year contract period – with the opportunity to renew for two additional years, one year at a time, if additional time is needed for goal completion.

Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS)

The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is a five-year program that works with Section 8 recipients to help them develop an action plan for reaching their goals, whether that be to secure employment, further their education, purchase a home, or start a business.